How can I apply for wholesale account ?
For wholesale account, only available payment method is via Bank Transfer, moreover all wholesale orders are to be collected from our Karachi Office (Currently no warehouse charges). If you reside outside the Karachi, we also provide shipping facility but it is being charged. For large packages we prefer Daewoo Express. Also other shipping can be avail except cash on delivery.
As a wholesale account holder, you can enjoy the best value on most of the our products.
If you would like to apply for a wholesale account, please send us an email at with subject “Wholesale Account request” with following details.
1. Name of Business
2. Shop Address / Address
3. Shop website (if available)
4. Name of owner
5. Contact Email
6. Contact phone Number
7. Expected monthly purchase
8. Which product you are interested most ?
9. Current Suppliers
10. Provide your shop pictures (if available)
11. Existing account email id you want to convert it a wholesale account
Once receive your application, your application will be reviewed and if required any further information we will contact you back via email/phone.